Free Trial Class Please feel free to try a class at no cost or obligation. We only ask that you let us know you are coming, by completing this form. Please fill out a separate form for each student. If you have any questions you may call or text Mr. Bradley at 480-492-9024.Student First Name* Student Last Name* Student's Age* Parent/Guardian First Name* Parent/Guardian Last Name* Parent/Guardian Email* Parent/Guardian Phone Number* Please choose from the available classes below:* Show Choir (ages 7-16) Broadway Sparks (ages 2-6) Show Choir Options* Keynote, ages 7-16, Thursday 4:00-5:45 PM Broadway Sparks Options* Ages 2-3, Saturdays 11:30-12:15 PM Ages 4-6, Saturdays 1:00-2:00 PM Ages 2-3, Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 PM Ages 4-6, Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 PM Indicate the date that you will be trying this class:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Online or In-Studio*We will be broadcasting all rehearsals due to Covid-19. You have the option to participate online or in-studio.In-Studio (2335 S Lindsay Rd)OnlineUse this space for any questions, comments, requests, or special needs that you may have.(Optional)How did you hear about us?*Friend (word of mouth)Returning Center Stage StudentHigley School FlyerFacebook - News FeedFacebook - Buy, Sell, TradeInstagramGoogleMailerOtherOther - Please Indicate Below*